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Available Online

The Mindful Body

A Conscious Approach To Healthy Movement

1 h 30 min
175 US dollars
Lyle Activity Center

Service Description

A 6 session workshop exploring breath, body awareness, movement, and tools to move throughout your day with less pain and more knowledge. Session Dates 2/17/2025 3/3/2025 3/17/2025 3/31/2025 4/14/2025 4/28/2025

Upcoming Sessions

Cancellation Policy

The Mindful Body is a patient care service provided to all ages regardless of gender, color, ethnicity, creed, or disability. The purpose of The Mindful Body may consist of rehabilitative procedures, mobilization, massage, exercises and physical agents to aid the patient in achieving their maximum potential for recovery within their capabilities. All procedures will be thoroughly explained to you before they are performed. You are expected to fully cooperate with the program. Your physical therapists have the right to terminate a session if they feel unsafe, uncomfortable, or disrespected. If this situation does occur the patient remains liable for the workshop cost. There are certain inherent risks with physical therapy treatments because you will be asked to exert effort and perform activities with increasing levels of difficulty that could increase your level of pain or discomfort with a current or previous injury. You will be able to stop treatment if you feel any discomfort or pain. Your therapist will take every precaution to ensure that you are protected from any potentially hazardous situation. You will never be forced to perform any procedure that you do not wish to perform. However, if you choose to no longer attend the workshop due to personal or other situations the attendee will continue to be responsible for the entire cost of the course. Based on the above information, I agree to cooperate fully, to participate in all physical therapy procedures, and to comply with the plan of care as it is established. I have read the consent form and authorize the release of medical information to appropriate third parties. I hereby release Gorge to Summit Physical Therapy, Dianne Kaylor and Heather H. Brooks from any responsibility or liability due to my participation in physical therapy. I am fully aware that I am participating in these sessions at my own risk and will not hold those named above responsible in the event of my incurring an injury or exacerbating any previously existing conditions. If I have any medical conditions I have consulted with my physician to make sure that physical therapy is appropriate for this workshop.

Contact Details

  • 308 Klickitat Street, Lyle, WA, USA

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